Ramblings of a Fan Attic

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Careful with your comments

So, Slashdot's got a story on a guy who's being sued for comments posted on his blog (http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/08/31/1427228). Apparently, someone's posted a comment moaning about Traffic-Power.com which has pissed them off enough to file a civil suit against said person's blog.

American law is horrifically complex, to the point where its not even worth anyone without at least 3 years of law school commenting on situations that involve the law. Which is why everybody, especially anyone remotely judicial involved in such cases, should take a moral and decent look at the situation. Not only is he being sued for comments posted to his site BY SOMEBODY ELSE, which is enough to make you even wonder how they're allowed to file suit, but they should take a completely moral standing when deciding the case.

Just as ethics committee's in the States decide whether a patient should undergo surgery based on their medical and drug history (you can guarantee George Best wouldn't have gotten a liver transplant in the states no matter how many times he yelled 'but I was in the 1966 England World Cup winning squad' at the top of his new pair of lungs - not so much because he could have been taking the liver away from an 8-year-old girl who desperately needed the transplant, but more because they really don't care about football over there), they should have a committee that decides whether someone can really file suit and win a case when the people submitting the suit are, for lack of a better word, "evil", and not in the moral position to be winning such a case.

It would be so easy for the judge to justify his ruling as well. For example, if Microsoft submitted a law suit against somebody he could just say "but you've got enough money already". Microsoft can't complain that much, because they wouldn't really care, and everyone would feel a great sense of pride that the legal system was "working" for the first time in history.

In this case, its purely a matter of the fact that the company filing the suit are called Traffic-Power.com. That's right, they're a glorified, legal spam outfit. They're responsible for internet adverts. And not the good ones like Google AdWords and Google AdSense that generate revenue for the little people, pathetic, annoying pop-up adverts and the like. So to Traffic-Power.com I say - go fuck yourselves. In the nicest possible way. After all, I don't want to get sued. Oh, shit.


At August 31, 2005 11:20 pm, Blogger Wardy said...

Yeah, and that's the underlying problem. Wishing that the american legal system could be based on just making sensible decisions rather than the law would be the preferable case, but because of the complexities of the american legal system it could never be like that.

Plus, it would also be really unfair. Not that that counts for much.


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